Abril 9, 2020

Welcome Fall!

Welcome Fall!

O pessoal da Learning Fan preparou algumas atividades muitos divertidas para todos vocês! Aproveitem!

Dear, Parents.

Begin this activity by watching this video with your child on YouTube. This moment will engage your child to understand the meaning of Fall season.

Fall / Autumn Song for Kids by Music Box Kids on YouTube

Video suggestion:
Seasons Song for Kids ♫ Autumn Leaves are Falling Down ♫ Fall Kids Song ♫ by The Learning
Station on YouTube

Dot Paint Trees
Magical Painting

Parents, there are 2 suggested activities. You may choose the best one to you.

Dot Paint Trees
Put your child’s hand on the paper to handprint the hands and arm in order to be the tree trunk.
The child will use dot paints to add leaves.
You can use either swabs or your child’s finger to do the leaves stamp.

Magical Painting
Have some different kind of leaves to this activity, crayons and a paper sheet.
Put the leaves behind the paper sheet. With the crayons lying down help your child to bring it to front and back then the shadow of the leaves will appear.

Story Time:
Watch this story suggestion from YouTube. The book tells about all the fun things you can do with the leaves that fall from the trees in the fall.

Children's Books Read Aloud: Fall Leaves Fall by Once Upon A Story on YouTube
Watch it until 2:29 duration

Leaf blowing race

Cut paper into leaf shapes, or gather some leaves, if possible;
Make pairs and hand each team member a "leaf";
Mark a starting line and have the pairs side by side;
Set a hula hoop (optional - you can use a box, laundry basket, or just tape out a box on the floor) across from each team, about 10 to 15 yards away. Stipulate a time to play this game.

How to Play:
On "Go!" the pairs get on their hands and knees by blowing their leaf into their hula hoop.
Remind players not to use their hands.
Once done, they may stand up, and race back to catch another leaf.

Goodbye to everyone!